
Wednesday, 7 May 2014

The NCT Nearly New Sale

The NCT Nearly New Sale in Chelmsford takes place twice a year, in April and October, giving sellers the opportunity to sell unwanted baby and children’s items and customers the opportunity to buy high quality clothes, toys and nursery equipment at very good prices. 

At the recent sale I was a seller and a volunteer and so I thought I would give you an idea of what's involved!

NCT Nearly New Sale

Selling at the NCT Sale 
You have to apply to be a seller (see below for contact details). There are only 170 sellers places and sellers who are NCT members and/or who volunteer to help on the day are more likely to get a place. If you are offered a place you need to pay a £5 administration fee. 

Roughly a month before the sale you receive your labels 45 for clothes, 45 for toys and 15 for nursery equipment. Do NOT underestimate how long it takes to complete all of these and attach them to your items! It took me at least three evenings to gather up everything I wanted to sell, iron all the clothes (to give them the best chance to sell), write the labels and attach them all (masking tape and safety pins only). You also need to box everything up into different sections as far as possible - toys, 0-3 months clothes etc. 

Then between 8.30-9.30am on the day of the sale you take all your boxes to the sale (currently held at St John Payne School) and leave them with the volunteers. At 4.30pm you go back to collect any unsold items and a cheque is sent to you by second class post on the Monday following the sale. The NCT takes a percentage of your sales. For items priced below £25 it is 25% and for items above £25 only 15% is taken. 

NCT Nearly New Sale

Volunteering at the NCT Sale 
There are different sessions in which you can volunteer, all giving you an opportunity to shop at the sale. I helped between 8.30am and 5pm organising the clothes for sale, then in the tills area, and then back to organise all the clothes so they could be returned to the sellers. It was hard work but the day went really quickly and it was for charity. 

I would recommend volunteering as you get an opportunity to shop before the sale starts (and so get the best bits!). The sale cannot happen without volunteers and any help is always appreciated. 

The next sale is on Saturday 11th October
Fort more information about becoming a seller or a volunteer at the next sale contact the team at

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